I've had a few requests to know my settings and equipment for these pics, so I've posted them above each picture. Keep in mind I do photoshop so they are not straight out of the camera but not too far off :)
I can never pass up the opportunity to photograph a newborn! My friend Whitni asked me to take her new son's pictures and I was so excited to try out some new ideas, I am in love with this little guy. He was so cooperative and didn't even soil my stuff, only his mom :) He was probably the easiest newborn I've ever photographed. I had so many favorites but these are the ones I got around to proofing. I hope you love them as much as I do, Whitni. Your family is adorable!
24-70mm, f4, ss 100, iso400
24-70mm, f2.8, ss125, iso 320
50mm f2.5, ss 400, iso 200
24-70mm, f2.8, ss 200, iso 400
50mm, f2.5, ss 250, iso 320
50mm, f 2.8, ss160, iso400
50mm, f4, ss200, iso125
50mm f3.2, ss200, iso 200
I can never pass up the opportunity to photograph a newborn! My friend Whitni asked me to take her new son's pictures and I was so excited to try out some new ideas, I am in love with this little guy. He was so cooperative and didn't even soil my stuff, only his mom :) He was probably the easiest newborn I've ever photographed. I had so many favorites but these are the ones I got around to proofing. I hope you love them as much as I do, Whitni. Your family is adorable!
24-70mm, f4, ss 100, iso400
24-70mm, f2.8, ss125, iso 320
50mm f2.5, ss 400, iso 200
24-70mm, f2.8, ss 200, iso 400
50mm, f2.5, ss 250, iso 320
50mm, f 2.8, ss160, iso400
50mm, f4, ss200, iso125
50mm f3.2, ss200, iso 200
Beautiful shots! Love the last two!
Amazing photos! You are so talented!
gorgeous! can't wait till it's our turn in just a few weeks! ;)
I have to agree these are some of my favorites too.
Oh my gosh...these are my favorites of yours ever! (I know I say that a lot, but for reals). These last 3 are soo completely perfect. The only thing that could make that one with Whitni better is if you'd photoshop a few tatoos on her arm. Just kidding. But seriously that second to last one, I think I'm going ot have to write Whitni and see if I can get a copy for my wall and pretend like he's mine. Whatta cute baby!!!
Someday, if I ever get pregnant again, I'm flying you over here to take some killer pictures of my fuzzy monkey baby. This are awesome! OH, when are you going to teach a photography class? I'm saving up my money to take it!!!
those last two are my absolute fave baby pics you've done I think. Catching his little grin was beyond perfect timing. What a beautiful baby.
So, is there any way that you would share info on the equipment that you use to get these fabulous shots?! What lighting/backdrops do you use? You are so talented!
You amaze me with your talent!
I mean really, Melissa. I hope you got my gushy messages last week. You are way too good! You are SO talented. I am sure it helps to have some beautiful people to photograph :) but it takes a giant load of talent and skill to finish it off as beautifully as you did...and we all know you have it, woman! I want to know everything you know! I keep coming back and looking at these multiple times a day. They make me so happy. When can we do it again? It was too fun!
WHat great pictures! I love your work! Thanks for posting the settings! I always wonder what you do!
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