January 7, 2009

Over due

I don't talk about my pregnancy much because there's not much to tell! Everything is going well, the baby is moving around like crazy, and other than a sore body and sleepless nights, I'm doing pretty good. I'm almost 28 weeks but feel bigger!!

If any of you even remember that I'm expecting your probably wondering what the gender is and why it has taken me so long to find out!! Well, we found out 2 days before Christmas and it has just been too busy to even think about it. Plus I wanted to do something clever for the blog but couldn't think of anything, but I did find this cute shirt so.... drum roll please..... Clara is going to have a little..........


I'm not sure why, but I was positive that we were going to have a boy, but we both couldn't be happier to have a little girl! I just love little girls so much and it will also make decorating and clothing tons easier!!


S, J, B, & S said...

Wow, Congratulations!!! Two little girls will be sooo much fun!! I can't wait to see all the newborn pics you will take of her. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Melissa! That's so exciting!

Andrea said...

Congrats!!!! That is so fun!! I guess this means that Tessa can't go shopping at Store de Clara! haha!! I think we are having a boy to but we will just have to wait a see. We all need to get together again sometime soon!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! I'm excited for you...and especially for Clara!! I always wanted a sister!! Hope all continues to go well with the pregnancy...can't wait to see pictures when she gets here!

HeatherC said...

Yay for girls! Congratulations Melissa! I still love to check out your gorgeous photos. Keep up the inspiring work.

MELissa said...

Congratulations! :)

Wendy said...

So happy for you! Hope you feel good. Love, The Ormsbys

kristal said...

yay!!!! I love that cute little shirt and your perfect picture of it. Everything about you is perfect, perfect hair, perfectly cute little girl, perfect photographs, perfect blog. That's why we're friends, we balance each other out. I'm on the opposite end of things. haha! Naughty kids, blurry pictures and a sloppy blog. haha!

Staci said...

The shirt is adorable! I wish I could act surprised but Robert already told on facebook. So, do you have any names picked out? How fun for Clara! Hope you have a great labor and birth too!

Tiffany said...

Congrats! Girls are the best!! That will be so fun for Clara to have a best friend growing up. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm really behind on reading your blog and I've missed so much!