I want the old Clara back
Both my parents got really sick a couple weeks ago and we were so surprised that non of us got sick. Well, I spoke to soon. Thursday around 10:30 Clara woke up with a fever of 100. This pictures is of her about an hour after she woke up. She didn't move for like 2 hours. She just sat there watching her videos with the saddest expression on her fast.I felt so bad for her and thought it was just going to be a cold or something so I just gave her some Tylenol and put her down for a nap. Well 5 hours later she woke up from her nap whimpering and really really hot. I took her temperature and she had a fever of 104! That really freaked me out! It was 7 o'clock at this point, way too late to take her to the doctor so we had to take her to the Urgent Care place and of course it was an hour and a half wait. Clara was so sick she just laid on my chest and whimpered, it was the saddest thing I have ever heard. She has never been too sick to cry. The doctor was kind of rough with her and really made her mad which broke my heart but in the end she was negative for the flu but positive for strep, yay. It was a lousy night but luckily she slept ok. Friday was a different story, her fever was down but she was still sick and it made for a miserable day and night for us all. Luckily she is starting to get a little better, she is really moody and the slightest bump makes her cry hysterically. Sick babies are hard. I can't wait for her not to be sick anymore, she is so much happier and fun. It makes me sad but here's hoping she gets better soon.
im so sorry she got sick!! I hope she feels better soon!!
Poor Clara! That's the saddest little face! I hope she starts feeling better soon!
aww :( Poor baby. I'm so glad it's not the flu...I had it a week ago, and am still getting over it. Maybe strep will go away faster. At least that's treatable with antibiotics. Hoping Clara is back to herself soon!
Seriously, I've always said that that is the one thing that stresses me out more than anything, is sick babies! It's awful! You always think it's the worst (like pnemonia or something) and then it's soo sad that they are so sad, but I have to say, that is the sweetest little sad sick baby picture I've EVER seen!!!
she looks so pathetic huh? it's so cute but sad at the same time! Thanks everyone for the well wishes, she hasn't woken up yet so here's hoping today is a better day
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