October 25, 2007


Poor little newborns, they think life is so harsh, little do they know. This is Larissa's sweet Leilani. Don't let these pictures foul you, she looks kind of chubby in these pictures but she is the tiniest little thing ever. Unfortunately she wasn't very happy though I was able to catch a few between screams. We'll take some more in a couple weeks when she gets adjusted to this cruel world. Congrats Larissa and Dayne!


Andrea said...

AWW... she is too cute!! We have not had the chance to get down there to see her but I cant wait to see her.

Kristal said...

AHHH, I need you!!!! A girl from town just asked me to take her 3 week old's picture! And she's a cute baby, but I don't do babies well!!!! And she didn't so much ask as much as TELL me that I'm taking them. GRRR!! HELP! MOVE TO AZ DANG IT!!!!

Kristal said...
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Melissa Fullmer said...

Our chance of moving to AZ is the same chance of you moving back to Texas. Can't Jason go back to chiropractic school?? times were so much simpler then. sigh.

therams said...

Oh Melissa, they came out so well! I was literally shocked when I saw them because I didn't think any of them would come out decently. And thanks for getting rid of the acne. I think my favorite for an announcement is the last one. Thanks you so much.

Tracy and Odie said...

thank you for granting my request and posting pictures. well done my dear, per your usual. love you!

Kristal said...

Well, just move out of Texas then so we can come visit you!