January 22, 2007

On A Diet

Our family has started a diet!! It has only been 1 day an I'm already ready to give up. :) Just kidding. It's going to be hard work but I'm ready for it. Robert doesn't really need it, I think he is just doing it to get me on the ball, he's so sweet. So here's to a new year and a healthier me!


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I went to a nutritionist today and she told me to stay away from dairy and bread for 30 days to restore my gut and get my digestive system working again...that takes away all good for me..>I bettered drop some lbs!!!! Good luck. MOVTIVATE ME!

Brooke said...

I was just wondering how you did your banner on the top of your blog. I have been trying for months and cannot figure it out. If you have directions let me know I guess by posting or by leaving it as a comment. Thanks!